My Daily Life-Daily entertainment technology with Talent Hub MDL platform

Dear friends, I would like to talk to you about MDL Projesini and the Tokendan MDL which is My Daily Life's token.
If you think that you do not have talent, then you have not found your talents. Therefore, every talent needs audiences: just turn on the TV and you will understand that everyone wants to show themselves. And the more artists gather him, the more he gets satisfaction, because his work and the general public. each of us is special and has a tendency for certain types of activities. It can be anything: from a great player who plays the cello up to an elaborate acrobatic action on the crossbar. But the most important thing is that most of our hobbies are related to the fact that we can do something special.

In this kind of thinking, which can be called rational, one form of advertising is being made-the promotion of a product because an infuser-one whose opinion is considered authoritative in one sphere or another. Typically, these are bloggers who entertain the public with their content and generate the ads or other products. At the same time, the quality or type of goods may not be used at all, just talking about them.

MDL Talent Hub Products

The MDL platform has not been fully developed, hence its crowdsourcing project. Once developed, it will serve as an aid to talent, booking agents, and content producers who want to interact with each other in the project. The platform will also provide the ability to gather feedback about similar talents, places, customers, and organizations to help build a reputable database.

Sales of MDL tokens runs from December 12, 2017 to January 31, 2018. Prices quoted so far are US $ 0.01 per MDL. Investors can purchase MDL Notifications by BTC, BCC, ETH, ETC, SKY, WAVES, DASH, or Zcash. Interested parties must download Waves electronic wallet.

The full ITO date is not yet complete. However, it is claimed that the cost of each token in ITO will increase to $ 0.05 USD per MDL.

The MDL project brings the Talent Hub

Opportunities given by ITO before MDL, specifically, are speculated, since all of the MDL tokens purchased in ICO money will increase in value from $ 0.01 to $ 0.05. However, in the past, it was not clear whether the token was being traded on the open market. This may limit its usefulness, since this means that MDL will only be used in a closed platform environment.

The additional opportunity given to ITO is, finally, the MDL token will be used to make payments via the same platform. This is, of course, limited use, unless you are a booking agent or you are involved in the talent industry.

What is the full MDL Talent Hub?

To be honest we are not sure about MDL as a platform. Although the functionality described clearly seems to have the potential to support the talent industry by creating unchanged and transparent databases, we are not sure of the token role itself. play in this neighborhood. This is misleading by the fact that there is not enough information about the use of tokens on the MDL website.

It is true that the token itself is relatively cheap in the pre-ITO era. One dollar offers 100 MDL tokens, making it a good "penny stock" option to diversify your portfolio. However, with an interesting appeal, not much can be said about whether your investment will go up to anything.
So why not ensure the benefits for yourself and your colleagues by selling and renting these items. For example, for a particular concert, the music staff sew their own Scottish skirts. But, after updating the program, they turn out to be unnecessary garbage, which also needs to be stored somewhere.

Yes, it's really rubbish, but not for a choreographic entourage that needs such props for numbers made in accordance with the national theme. Well, it's time to offer help, while making your own money. Dancers will get clothes for rent or property much cheaper than if they went to the studio, and the musician changed the unnecessary clothes into the money needed to continue the activity.

Talent Huben Token MDL Information;

Token Name:

Total Number of MDL Tokens: 1,000,000,000

Number of tokens to be added Token Amount: 400,000,000

Token Price: 1 MDL = 0.05 USD


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