AKAIITO bounty to ico

Akaiito is a complex platform that is combined into a single source that allows to exist in the real world with new currency, this is a unique opportunity to buy all kinds of goods, rent houses and cars for hire, using recruitment and assistance from child care specialists. to the law office using crypto money.

The market is affected by this platform

The online goods market The online market will be the main platform for users who want to sell and buy goods using crypto currency.
Market online services The online services market will be an indispensable platform for those who need help and for those who can provide it.

Rent a car online - Very convenient to use when traveling to rent a car. - The token level will be fixed during car bookings. - The lessor may set a fixed price or a floating price attached to an exchange (the risk of falling and price increases to adjust adjustments should be taken). - Any tenant or lessor may affect the reputation of others, allowing him to conduct a review or appraisal only after the transaction is completed.

Rent an apartment online - Very convenient for traveling. - The token level will be fixed during the booking of the apartment. - The owner may fix a fixed price or a floating price attached to an exchange (risk of falling down and price increases in accordance with currency adjustment) - Any tenant or lessor may affect the reputation of others, leaving it a review or evaluation only after the transaction is completed.

Online Map - Places with the possibility of paying with cryptovolume will be displayed on the map in any city in your country of stay. - This AKAIITO section will include: cafe / restaurant, cinema, entertainment and more - Depending on the selected category on the map, the icon where the crypto location will light up.

The idea of ​​AKAIITO's idea is to be as user-friendly as possible. That is why the idea for AKAIITO development will also draw from its users. There will be a special forum for users to gather ideas for development, where the main issue - what do you want to see in AKAIITO? What do you lack and what do you want to fix / change? AKAIITO user development is the development of AKAIITO.
Rent With the release of AKAIITO application in the rental section there will be two parts: car rental and apartment rental. But also we see great potential in the development of the category of "equipment leasing". For example: You want to try shooting and to sample want to use professional camera. Of course, immediately buying expensive camera does not make sense, you should bring a professional camera to rent. This opportunity will be provided by AKAIITO. And also an important advantage is that everything can be done with the help of crypto currency.

Official site
White paper
Token price 1ETH = 1000 AIC
Pre-ICO 12.02 / 24.02.18
ICO 10.03 / 15.04.18
The AKAIITO team invites you to participate in our bounty campaign and help our project to build a big and powerful community.

Pre ICO starts on 12.02.2018 and ends on 25.02.2018 (14 days). ICO starts at 10.03.2018 and ends at 15.04.2018 (37 days).

The total number of AIC tokens, to be distributed among gift campaign participants is 900,000 AIC tokens (900 ETH) (3% of sold tokens).
The AIC token price is 0.001 ETH, 1 000 AIC tokens = 1 ET.
Soft Cap: 1 000 000 AIC = 1000 ETH
Hard Cap: 20 000 000 AIC = 20 000 ETH

Campaign bounty will be divided into 3 steps. You can participate in all 3 steps or multiple options.

The first step of the prize campaign starts at 22.01.2018 00:00 and ends on 11.02.2018 23:59 (21 days). Budget of up to 50% of total tokens designated for the entire prize campaign.
The second step of the bounty campaign starts at 12.02.2018 00:00 and ends on 11.03.2018 23:59 (28 days). Budget of up to 30% of total tokens set for the entire prize campaign.
The third step of the prize campaign starts at 12.03.2018 00:00 and ends at 15.04.2018 (35 days). Budget of up to 20% of the total number of tokens set for the entire prize campaign.
Terms and Conditions:

To participate in the AKAIITO charity campaign category you must join our official group at Telegram.
If you made a mistake while signing up for the campaign, then repeat the registration and inform us of the problem in this thread.
Points between bounty participants will be distributed weekly on Monday.
Tokens pay out will be made weeks after the end of ICO (22.04.2018).
The total amount will be divided by category. Each category of gift campaigns will have its own budget.
Budget bounty campaigns are distributed by category:

Bitcointalk: 35%
Signature and avatar campaigns: 20% (up to 180,000)
 Bitcointalk AKAIITO thread: 15% (up to 135,000)

Facebook & Twitter: 20% (up to 180,000)
Telegram: 10% (up to 90,000)
Telegram joins and comments: 5% (up to 45,000)
 Post Telegram operators themselves: 5% (up to 45,000)

Blog & Media (Youtube): 10% (up to 90,000)
Social Medias (Reddit, Medium, Coindesk, Instagram, Forklog): 20% (up to 180,000)
Akaiito Translation & Moderation: 5% (up to 45,000)
How do I calculate the number of tokens that you would get for a participation prize campaign?
If you have participated in gift campaigns only through the Facebook channel and you get, for example, 50 points, while the total Facebook category budget is 10,000 points, then the formula is:
180,000 AIC / 10 000 points * 50 points = 900 AIC

NB! One participant can not earn more than 5% of the total budget of a particular category. In such situations the AIC token will be reallocated to the AKAIITO marketing budget.

Website: https://akaiito.io/

Whitepaper: https://akaiito.io/files/Akaiito_WP_Eng.pdf

Bounty: https://akaiito.io/bounty/Bounty_ENG.pdf

Author: sinyocall
BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1851671

walled: 0xFfa8CCDD722c08400465410A3cee356Ff366b6c7


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