First World Bank Decentralized Through New Ecosystems

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PayPro is a unique decentralized bank made to deal with new eco-system where value is represented in new forms through smart contracts. It's a decentralized financial-marketplace where any dApp can post its services. PayPro is also designing a wallet which PayPro users can use to store crypto-currencies and any ERC-20 tokens.

Users will be able to store ETH, BTC or GAS after PayPro Company has built PayPro. Users can also use the market place for investing in a crowdfunding platform for instance. Also shares received from that investment in the form of tokens, will be stored at PayPro and as a result of this, all of which will be represented in PayPro.


PayPro plans to build their PayPro marketplace as a decentralized app known as dApp. The decentralized application known as dApp must meet some criteria according to David Johnson, in order to be considered as;

The application must operate open-source and the majority of tokens can not be controlled by an entity. Also in the protocol, proposed improvements and market feedback may be adapted.

A cryptographic token is required in order to access the application and also to reward any contribution of value from miners or contributors.

As proof of value generated to the application, tokens must be generated.

In order to avoid any central point of failure, a decentralized Blockchain must be used to store data and records of operation.


PayPro is yet to be developed because it is a complete challenge. We hope the community to join us on PayPro development as all PayPro code will be open source. An ICO is being run into the project so far.


In 2015, PayPro came in existence as an online tool used for payment making in 25 currencies, saving up to 90% on hidden bank fees. PayPro got regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, raised two funding rounds of € 750,000 in total and spent a little bit more than a year in the market. PayPro managed to process € 500,000 per month, which is not bad at all compared to the beginnings of Kantox ot Transferwise, for instance.

With these experiences we decided to step forward and take a bold to change the industry by offering a truly disruptive value proposition. We listened to the market, talked with industry experts and did a lot of test and fail. This made us better and stronger and we created PayPro: the world's first decentralized bank built.


We believe strongly that banking will also be decentralized in a future where Smart Trading will be used for the likes of trading, insuring a car or using decentralized computer power. Lots of traditional banking systems today are being decentralized and are being built over the Ethereum protocol (see for more information). The PayPro perspective feels all the applications of Android Play on the Google Play, as otherwise the user experience diminishes.

New forms of storing value due to the raise of smart contracts will be needed. Currencies and also tokens coming from smart contracts need to be stored in one place, so a new form of wallets need to be created. These wallets are expected to represent all the crypto assets and liabilities of an individual. With this in mind, we aim to create the first decentralize bank-alike application where the users will be able to store and manage all their crypto assets, ranging from storing currencies, investments and loans.


The core functionality of PayPro is storing and spending currency value and with this in mind the banking platform has been created first.


PayPro is designed to accept most forms of crypto-currencies. With the use of ethereum, users will be able to store at least 100 volumes per day. PayPro token will be the main currency and will be easily exchanged with any other currency.

For now PayPro has developed an iOS app that permits to store BTC but this is just a proof of concept made for user experience purposes. You can download it on the AppStore; https: // | = Ca & | s = 1 & mt = 8.

MARKET PLACE (This is not currently available till July 2019)

PayPro users will have the ability to use their PayPro tokens also known as PYPs for the buying of any service in the marketplace. Services that can not be bought from credits to loans to investments. A token will be received and stored on the application as a result of using a PYPs.

Also suppliers can submit their services to the marketplace. We can ensure all transactions are made in a secure and efficient way by using smart contracts. Every supplier will be rated by the best ranks out. We can avoid centralization and thus guarantee that services are client-focused by implementing this rating system.


Name PayPro token

Pre-sale period January 8th to January 15th 2017

Pre-sale terms min investment of 15ETH

Pre-sale bonus bonus of up to 35%

Main sale period January 15th to January 31st

Main sale terms min investment of 0.5ETH

Main sale bonus 1st 24 hours 20%

1st week 15%

2nd week 10%

Exchange rate 1ETH: 500 PYP

Limits 20,000 ETH (Hard Cap) or EUR 5,000,000.00

Depending on exchange rate.

Accepted currencies ETH

Token holder benefits Decision and Economic rights

% of token sold 40%

Nationality Anyone except Singapore, Estonia and the US due

to legal restrictions or countries trade sanctioned by

the US.


PayPro Token (PYP) will be the flagship currency in PayPro ecosystem, facilitating transactions with the marketplace. Main purpose of PYPs is that they will be used for political rights and usage;


In the marketplace, services offered and transaction fees will be charged in PYPs. PayPro tokens will be the only currency enabled to pay fees. PayPro will take the advantage of developing a gateway to allow the exchange from existing user funds to PayPro tokens automatically every time the user needs to pay fees.


Voting on monetary policy: whereas PayPro will set the initial inflation rate, token holders will be capable of adjusting the PayPro token inflation up or down (within a range)

Voting on technical design: the community can propose a new technical design to add, modify or remove elements from new versions of the protocol.


November 17th - Proof of concept release: iOS app capable of holding and spending BTC is released into the market.

December 2017- Project Management: we will spend 1-2 months on planning the development.

February 2018- Kick-off: all the necessary hires and collaborations will have been done and the development will start.

February 2018- Ethereum integration: Ethereum wallet integrated so users can store all major tokens in our wallet.

July 2018- marketplace Launch: we will launch our own VISA Card so users can spend in BTC or ETH on top of USD, EUR or GBP.


ERC20 standard is used for all tokens created on Ethereum.

20,000ETH will be placed and 40% worth of all PayPro Tokens will be issued in the initial sale.

The smart contract is set so the delivery of PayPro's Tokens can automatically happen right after the ETH is received.

The allocation of tokens will be as follows:

5% would be distributed out to the community over time as rewards for R & D and bounties.

15% is allocated to early investors and backers and future partnerships.

20% is reserved for the current team and most importantly, the future team members motivation packages.

20% will be held by PayPro, under scrutiny of the community, to reach future sustainability through network revenue distributions.

The delivery of PayPro Tokens (PYP) from the Smart Contract will happen immediately after the ETH is sent.


The PayPro token sale will commence on 22nd November 2017, at 21:00 GMT and will end on 22nd December at 21: 00h GMT or whenever the target value of 20,000ETH is reached.


PayPro token will be sold at 500 PYPs to 1ETH. Minimum investment is set at 0.5 ETH. No other crypto-currency is allowed.


One week before the Launch date, a number of tokens will be sold. Investors who participate in the pre-sale period will enjoy special discounts which can be additional tokens.


PayPro team members can do it by PayPro team members.

Minimum commitment of 15ETH to qualify

The first 600 investors will gain a bonus of 35%


Investors who miss the chance of investing in the token pre-sale can still enjoy a bonus through the methods below;

First 24 hours - 20% bonus tokens

First week, 15% bonus tokens

Second week, 10% bonus tokens.



It is a must for PayPro to develop its own payment network offered by one only supplier which implies expensive and low customization. This investment includes Payment Processor, the Currency Supplier and BIN Sponsor which will include acquiring and issuing. However the largest part of this investment will be allocated to hiring back-end developers (LAMP).


We are saving a large part of the funds. This amount is invested in Google Adwords, Facebook Ads and in an Affiliate Program. It also includes a top-tier Chief Marketing Officer that will be in charge of designing and executing the strategy.


Includes all payments needed to keep the organization working and these are rent, servers, management salaries, utilities or computers.



Funds raised will be used for financing the development of the platform for the next 4 years.


The sustainability reserve, which while falling under the community will be held by PayPro so as to achieve financial sustainability in the future through distribution of the network's total spend and marketplace revenues.


PayPro plans to reward community, academic research as well as bug bounties over the next four years so as to incentivize, as well as brand evangelism.


PayPro allocates 15% of total tokens to give liquidity to early investors and backers, as well as for future partnerships and strategic advisors. Early investors, current and future advisors as well as future partnerships will have a 10% token allocation


All current and future team members will receive motivation packages in the form of vested tokens. This will all be vested according to the employee's position / scope.

Join this great project today and let's move to success together. For more information about PayPro and click on any of the links below.

WALLET : 0xFfa8CCDD722c08400465410A3cee356Ff366b6c7


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